Enable discourse-math plugin for rendering LaTeX-style equations

Greg Vernon via Racket Discussions
notifications@racket.discoursemail.com writes:

There's an official Discourse plugin (link below) that would allow for users to post LaTeX style equations and have them rendered. As far as I can tell, this plugin is not enabled on this Discourse (test: x^2 ). Would have made my first post look a bit cleaner.

For example this $\mathbf{N}^p(\xi) = [ N_0^p(\xi), N_1^p(\xi), \dots, N_p^p(\xi) ]^T$ would have rendered as

but nicer (e.g., no background, same size as text).

I would have uploaded the equations as images, as I've done on this post, but as a new user I could only upload a single image.

Discourse Math - plugin - Discourse Meta

My comment is not so much about math per se, but more generally I'd
prefer the postings (which I read as a mailing list) remain as close to
plain text as possible. I understand most people use the web interface
(or at least read mail as HTML), and might feel differently about more
structured posting, but even the [quote] etc... markup causes my eyes to
glaze over and my fingers to consider unsubscribing.

Just my 2 ¢
