Enumerated stream


Suppose I have something like this:

(define reds (stream-cons "red" reds))

(stream-for-each displayln reds))

The output will be


What's the Racket way to make it

1 red
2 red
3 red


Use for and in-stream:

#lang racket/base
(require racket/stream)

(define reds (stream-cons "red" reds))

(for ([red (in-stream reds)]
      [idx (in-naturals 1)])
  (printf "~a ~a\n" idx red))

With different output formatting, something like (guessing)

(stream-map cons (in-naturals) reds)

Except that stream-map doesn’t have arities like map when I checked, sadly. Is there a way to write this with stream combinators?

A few ways. Using for/stream:

(define numbered-reds
  (for/stream ([i (in-naturals)]
               [r (in-stream reds)])
  (cons i r))

or with SRFI-41, which has a stream-map that accepts multiple streams:

(require srfi/41)

(define nats (stream-cons 0 (stream-map add1 nats)))
(define reds (stream-constant "red"))

(define numbered-reds (stream-map cons nats reds))

Although somewhat redundant by now:

(define numbered-reds
  (for/stream ([(r i) (in-indexed (in-stream reds))])
    (cons i r)))