Good-first-issue revisited

How to make best use of GitHub tags to help new contributors cross that first hurdle came up in the ‘meta’ comments starting at [Feature Request] Ability to compile individual packages with `raco setup` · Issue #5129 · racket/racket · GitHub (thanks @countvajhula )

The specific meta suggestiom from
@countvajhula was to tag issues that had a roadmap or braindump that was useful guidance to solve the problem. (prompted by a wonderful example from @samth )

I believe this is an excellent approach. I would extend this further by suggesting that adding a roadmap or braindump to an issue can reduce the work required to make something a good first issue.

@benknoble also noted that ‘One further advantage of good-first-issue is that Contribute to racket/racket · GitHub will show it.’

My feeling is that if you only have 5 or 30 minutes and you can nudge an issue forward by adding a plan-of-attack or roadmap or something in between you will enable someone to make the next step.

Meta: I also resisted urge to go meta-meta by leaving this comment on the issue. While I believe going meta is sometimes productive, sometimes it is better to go meta here in General or Lounge.

Seasons greetings
:christmas_tree: :beetle: :standard_fish: