Help trying to figure out Racket! Newbie!


I am currently working on a Racket programming project and I'm encountering some issues with my code. I have been trying to create a program that calculates the total duration of a Free-Fall Tower attraction, considering various phases including ascent, pause, and free fall.

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Define Helper Functions and Constants
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

;; Signature: overall-time : number number -> number
;; Purpose: Given a height (in meters) and ascent speed (in m/s), calculate the duration of ascent and descent (in seconds).

;; Examples:
;; [Add your own examples here]

;; Definition:
(define (overall-time height ascent-speed)
...) ;; [Add your code here]

;; Tests:
;; [Add your tests here]

;; ---------------------------------------------------------

Information Text for the code:

"After the end of the autumn fair, a family of showmen is considering expanding their ride with a so-called Free-Fall Tower. In this attraction, paying guests are securely seated on a platform that is initially driven vertically upward for a certain distance (height in meters) at a constant speed of a meters per second.

At the highest point, the motion pauses for five seconds to increase excitement. Then, a free fall is initiated, lasting exactly half of the height. During this phase, the acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s^2, is in effect (air resistance can be neglected).

From this point, the platform is decelerated with the reverse acceleration of -g to come to a stop precisely at the end of the ride. Create a Racket program called 'overall-time' that calculates the total duration for a given height (in meters) and a given ascent speed (in m/s), representing the time it takes for the platform to travel from the beginning to the end of the ride."

This problem brings in a serious amount of physics (for an American high school grad). The physics part of this problem is called “the application domain”. For ‘complex’ domains, such as this physics problem, a sw dev (fancy for programmer) must consult with a domain expert, which in this case would be your instructor.

Feel free to show him this email. — Matthias

Information Text for the code:

"After the end of the autumn fair, a family of showmen is considering expanding their ride with a so-called Free-Fall Tower. In this attraction, paying guests are securely seated on a platform that is initially driven vertically upward for a certain distance (height in meters) at a constant speed of a meters per second.

At the highest point, the motion pauses for five seconds to increase excitement. Then, a free fall is initiated, lasting exactly half of the height. During this phase, the acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s^2, is in effect (air resistance can be neglected).

A few years ago I read an article about an actual such tower in which they revealed that the passengers weren' subjected to true freefall, but motion of only about half the acceleration of gravity during teh 'freefall' phase. Of course, that would mean a force of one and a half g during braking (including the natural gravity itsels).

-- hendrik

Do you know how to solve it with pen and pencil (and perhaps a calculator) for a fixed height, let's say exactly 10 meters?