How to include "./scribblings/some-file.html" in compiled binary tarball

This problem appeared when I included scribble (html) documentation in my math-quiz program. When I run the program from the main.rkt file, everything works OK, but when I compile it (for distribution to other machines), the program itself works, but the ./scribblings/math-quiz.html is not included.
So basically, my question is, how do I make sure that compilation includes ./scribbling directory in the tarball/zip.

And while we're at it, another thing.

When I finished fumbling around with scribble to create math-quiz.html file, it was nicely working from #lang scribble/manual.
But then I spent a lot of time trying to find out how to actually trigger it from math-quiz standalone program. Finally I ended up with this:

(define menu-item-html (new menu-item%
                           [label "HTML Documentation"]
                           [parent help-menu]
                            (lambda (mi e)
                              (send-url scribble-path-string))]))

Where menu-item-html is a sub-menu on program menu bar. This works, but maybe there's a better way (send-url???). Any suggestions are welcome.
This worked right away on Linux, because i simply used "./scribblings/math-quiz.html" as scribble-path-string.

However it did not work when i transferred this to my daughter's W11 computer. Then I had to come up with this:

(define scribble-path-string
    (path->string (current-directory)) "scribblings/math-quiz.html")))

The strange thing here is this normalize-path function, that I had to write because (current-directory) is returning path with backslashes, as in:
First I thought this was OK (as far as I remember paths on windows), but W11 will not accept this! Therefore I had to write normalize-path function to convert above to c:/dir/dir/dir../... , and this works on W11.

Anyway, this would have to be looked at. IMHO (current-directory) should return a correct path for W11.

I think define-runtime-path will take care of both, though I think it’s somewhat rare to distribute package docs inside a built distribution?

I would like to be wrong about that latter point (perhaps Racket does this already?), especially because having docs available in Vim really sold me on having locally available docs for everything.

And if not included in a built distribution, how will a guy (a kid) that downloads the built distribution get to this html file. The target audience is somebody that does not have Racket installed on their computer, and doesn't even know what Racket is.
The math-quiz.html docs file does not exist anywhere else (except my computer and GitHub repo).

I admit I probably do not understand something here?

I tried define-runtime-path:

(define-runtime-path scribble-file "./scribblings/math-quiz.html")

just for testing, and it doesn't do anything useful. It does splice the full path to where /bin/exe-file is, but there's nothing there. scribblings/math-quiz.html is not copied there.

What command did you run exactly to "compile it (for distribution to other machines)"?

I just click (in DrRacket IDE) on Create Executable, Distribution (to install on other machines), and GRacket.

As there was no reply with solution to this problem, I will give the solution that I'm using. This is a "pedestrian" way of solving this problem, and I still think that automated solution should be provided.
Anyway, what I do is to create the executable just clicking on "Create Executable..." menu, and when Racket creates a .tgz file, I unzip it copy the scribblings directory into bin directory, and then zip everything again. This works, but...???