is there a way to import syntax? which exist in Racket in #!r6rs program,
i have already imported (rnrs syntax-case (6)) but it isn't inside :
(import (rnrs base (6))
(rnrs syntax-case (6))
(only (srfi :1) any member))
Best regards,
(import (rnrs base (6))
(rnrs syntax-case (6))
(only (srfi :1) any member)
(only (racket) syntax?))
found , really seems that racket discourse activate my neurones more deeply because the solution now just after posting 
by the way htere is a difference in Racket and other Scheme ,Racket is strict about syntax ,it cannot convert in datum something not being strictly a syntax object:
> (syntax->datum '+)
. . syntax->datum: expected argument of type <syntax (symbol '+ disallowed)>; given: +
but this works in other Scheme:
(base) mattei@MacBook-Pro-Touch-Bar src % guile
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Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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Enter `,help' for help.
scheme@(guile-user)> (syntax->datum '+)
$1 = +
scheme@(guile-user)> (exit)
(base) mattei@MacBook-Pro-Touch-Bar src % kawa -Dkawa.import.path=".:/Users/mattei/Scheme-PLUS-for-Kawa:./kawa/module_directory"
#|kawa:1|# (syntax->datum '+)
#|kawa:2|# (exit)
for this reason i must syntax? test in code at some point.