Install racket-turtle

hello, would like to install racket-turtle.rkt teachpack.
I have the teachpack folder. Should it be in a particular directiory?

completely new to racket, have a few questions to get started

thank you

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racket-turtle is part of the teachpacks package available on the official package catalog. You can install it in one of two ways:

  • In DrRacket, go to File > Install Package... and enter teachpacks as the package source.
  • In your terminal/command line, run the command raco pkg install teachpacks.

You don't need to manually place files anywhere yourself.

Once you've installed it, put (require teachpacks/racket-turtle) at the top of the file to use those functions in your code. See the package documentation for more information.


thanks. it worked in DrRacket.
A question about the command line (total newbie here).. the windows power shell doesn't know the command raco. should i be looking elsewhere? how to set up if needing setup. thanks

In DrRacket, go to Help > Configure Command Line for Racket..., then restart Powershell.


You should add C:\Program Files\Racket to the path environment variable.

(Side question: Is it possible to add this option to the installer?)

(Edit: @jimpjorps answer is better.)

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thanks .. that worked as well

finally, for now, what's the most engaging book or tutorial on racket that you've come across? audience: high school

My son liked Realm of Racket, but that was in the last year of high school.

An 11yo once attended a Racket Meet-up in London who i believe started with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures - I believe this because some of their programs started with #lang slideshow. (When I met them they decided they wanted to decide their own language so

How to Design Worlds: Imaginative programming in DrScheme looks like it might be suitable but I’ve no experience with this.

The project has some Racket material - Bootstrap :: Hour of Code - but mostly uses Pyret: Hour of Code - this is aimed at high schoolers so is worth a look.

Another option may be - but I also have no experience with this.

There are other Racket books at Racket

Let us know what works (and what doesn’t).


Is it just me or does the question (from parents) of Racket learning resources for high schoolers come up a lot?


Dunno, but it's more of an ignorant teacher's question, in my case.

if you are a teacher I highly recommend contacting the bootstrap people - it is aimed at teachers and they have lots of resources.


My kids do up thru the end of bootstrap algebra.

The question on the table is, how to take them further. I myself also, don't know further than that in the language. I would like to ..
I'm an art teacher who ended up in programming land.

, but,,, pyret is def not the answer...

if realm of ... is a good book, and by the sample chapter, it seems to be substantive,,,, so maybe I'll try that...
Littl schemer also seems quite nice, for learning recursion, but that's intense and lacks the 'fun' factor the kids want

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thus... i arrive at racket-turtle, as a possible thing to study

what's your advice then

Sorry I’m the wrong person to ask for advice.
I just listed some racket related resources I was aware of.

All the best.
