You could create a pollen project and then write some code that outputs scribble documentation instead 
Personally I am not a big fan of markdown, I have trouble understanding its popularity.
6.2 Optional reading: the case against Markdown
Pollen markup however has felt quite satisfying after an initial learning curve and getting used to how to structure and implement things using it. I am far from a pollen expert, but I really like how it allows me to mold it to what I want to do with it.
With markdown I am just forced to take it as it is, probably that is why it is used, maybe it is more a data exchange format / more about compatibility.
Anyways pollen also has a markdown mode, so you still could use pollen to generate scribble from markdown and switch to pollen markup if it turns out useful later. Although that probably doesn't make the process of writing documentation easier if that is the intent.
I am not sure building a direct/dedicated markdown -> scribble converter is actually that helpful, I feel like you would quickly run into cases where you want to do things that scribble can do, but markdown can't. Then you would have to convert to scribble and start using it as the source of truth / source code and at that point you have to use scribble anyway. So personally I would just start with scribble, instead of later on having to switch to it.
The other case I could imagine is that eventually more and more conventions are bolted on to markdown, to allow more extra cases of "this one simple thing" gets converted to "this thing" in scribble, at that point you no longer have a standardized markdown format, which makes it lose its only benefit?
In that situation a pollen project using markdown (or pollen markup) also would make more sense, because you basically have a personalized conventions and transformations project, which seems like a good fit for pollen, to me.
If you feel like markdown has other benefits, I am interested to hear about those.
Having said all that I am unsure in which cases it would actually be enjoyable / advisable to generate scribble using pollen, over just writing scribble directly. But if somebody does this I would definitely like to take a look at the code.
Maybe a more reasonable approach would be to implement some scribble dialect #lang scribble/easy
that maybe isn't as powerful but you can get started with it very quickly and maybe even has some kind of "upgrade" command that converts the file from #lang scribble/easy
to another #hash scribble/...
(this would basically be what bsl is in relation to racket)
I think that sounds good, but it isn't a priority for me, so I can't actually commit to implementing something like this.