New installltion of Drracket does not work

I recently re-installed my OS (Freebsd). I did it by wiping everything and starting again. As usual I installed DRRacket. In the past it has just worked! Now it starts up in typed racket and no #lang line in the defs window.
If I put a #lang racketline in the defs window via both manual typing or selecting it from the languages tab and press the run button I get the following;

printing:module-begin: allowed only around a module body in: (printing:module-begin (module configure-runtime (quote #%kernel) (#%require racket/runtime-config) (configure #f)))

Any ideas what is going on or is it a case of purge and re-install?


Huh. Interesting!

I would try the following. Open a new window or tab. Choose the "Language>Choose Language... " menu. What language is chosen? Next, choose "The Racket Language". Click okay. Then, put #lang racket in the buffer and hit Run. What is shown in the interactions window?