For people that don't know, R16 is originally a Discord bot for interactive, community-driven code evaluation. It saves snippets of code, which can then be recalled and executed on user-provided input.
And thank you and the others who made R16 and host it for the Racket discord server - it has been a great resource to the community and is much appreciated.
!!rkt popular
**Most popular tricks in your guild (page 1 of 2):**
1. **fmt**, by <@sorawee>, invoked **126**x
2. **instant-tshirt**, by <@Alwinfy>, invoked **58**x
3. **expand**, by <@156785583723642881>, invoked **24**x
4. **racketdoc**, by <@156785583723642881>, invoked **17**x
5. **unwrap-code-input**, by <@rocketnia>, invoked **13**x
6. **echo**, by <@Eutro>, invoked **7**x
7. **intcode**, by <@Eutro>, invoked **4**x
8. **racketguide**, by <@156785583723642881>, invoked **3**x
9. **count**, by <@Alwinfy>, invoked **3**x
10. **emote-thief**, by <@Eutro>, invoked **3**x