Show us your Racket creations!

If you build something with Racket, or a racket language, including the web variants RacketScript & Urlang - please post it in a new topic here on the Racket Discourse.

If you can, it would be great if you could also share your creations on the other services used by Racketeers:

  • Racket Discord #show-and-tell (chat)
  • Racket-Users mailing list/google group
  • Racket Slack (chat) sign-up,
  • Twitter #racketlang or @racketlang
  • Mastodon #racketlang
  • Reddit r/racket with either the #show-and-tell flair or the others as appropriate.

I think it would be nice if this site has a “showcase” and “code review” category, considering racket used a lot in education.


Welcome @slbtty !
Yes, that’s a great idea.

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