Hi, @dhamidi!
Interesting topic.
There have indeed been some experiments that I am aware of, see for example the recent llm lang.
I am not a great developer, so my opinion probably doesn't matter. Lots of work at my current job is being re-evaluated under the guise of "agentic workflows", and it is somewhat scary because it is highlighting how much work we do is in fact just nonsense, and, how much room for boring old automations there still is. But the new shiny makes things look different to the powers that be.
However, and I think this is important for my own sanity, programming is a tool created by humans to solve human problems.
The only reason I program, is because it makes me feel good in an odd sort of way--which most people in creative work would understand. It's not always great, but the drive never goes away to do interesting things, even when the going gets tough.
If someone came to me today and said, "you never have to program again, it's the machine's job now," I would still program, just not for money.
My point being: who cares? Not in a snide way, mind you, but in the sense that the language finds you. If you happen to find yourself on a track which never crossed paths with Racket, that is indeed a shame. But, if your path never intersected this one, there is no loss, either. There is no sunk-cost, and you weren't deprived of anything, really.
I don't think it makes sense to measure the success of the language in terms of the raw numbers of people adopting it at any given moment. It is a healthy indicator, but even a rotten tree may house many birds before it perishes.
Anyways, I'd love to hear other Racketeers' opinion on the matter, too. From my meager vantage, it seems like the space is healthy and thriving, and as long as we have all these smart people being curious, I doubt the language will die, irrespective of the tides of the world.
I would bet good money that Racket's ecosystem, although not massive, is probably more often than not on the cutting edge of programming language research, whichever corner of that space you happen to inhabit.
P.S. Something that comes to mind, is that the probability of an entity surviving into the future is correlated with how long it has already survived in the past. In this sense, autopoiesis is more important than mere growth. Racket, being the language for creating languages, definitely has an autopoietic function which is hard to disrupt, even with something as "cataclysmic" as the current pace of machine learning adoption.