Racket FAQ: images outside of DrRacket and does the list of questions need updating?

Just a little thing, but someone asked how they could display images if they weren't using DrRacket.


I resisted the urge to tell them to use DrRacket because while it is great - it is not right for everyone.

It's not the first time someone has asked so I added 'How do I display images outside of DrRacket?' to the Racket Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I display images outside of DrRacket?

If you use DrRacket images are displayed inline, but many other editors and terminal emulators lack this capability.

In general you can use the show-pict function to open a window and display the image.

#lang racket
(require pict)
(show-pict your-pict)

See show-pict

Note: If you are using a different image library convert your image with pict-convert.

I've put the full list below - I'd like to know if there is anything missing from the FAQ that should be included?

best regards

