Racket glossary

You wrote that you want it to be easy for people to contribute (in the markdown thread) now in this PR your response is to point out a bunch more hoops to jump through, to change the PR to suit your taste (these additional points of "how I would like to structure this" weren't clearly pointed out before as far as I have read).

I think this seems contradictory. Personally I am not encouraged to contribute, when I feel like I am micro managed, or my contributions get a bunch of comments that seem like "arbitrary stylistic changes that are subjective and not even communicated clearly before". To be fair, I don't think that was your intent, but if I read it in isolation without taking your character into account that is how it comes across to me.

So my suggestion here would be to take a bit of inspiration from how @spdegabrielle has organized the different creative competitions and either use some form of template that allows contributors to fill in the blanks with low effort (while still giving you some of the wanted structure) or/and communicate more in an easy going manner about how contributions are added.

I think it makes sense that you have your structure and how you want to get to your goal, but it isn't necessarily easy for other people to have the same vision in mind that you do. That is why I think, you should focus on getting material through contributions, not how that material is given or structured.

Ultimately I think one or maybe a few people will be required to go over everything to bring it into a coherent structure and give it its final form, so it seems to me that transforming contributions to bullet points and later back again, may end up unnecessary busy work, that may even lose valuable information by going through multiple translations of form.

Maybe my view on this is a bit biased, because I had another experience (outside the racket community) where I did a bunch of work and ended up feeling like it was a waste of my time.
(Because there I felt like I am being stalled and my pr won't be accepted, just not straightforwardly declined either, which would just allow me to more easily cut my losses and accept that I would have to fork the project if I wanted to make it happen)

Not saying this is happening here, I just have a big dislike for incrementally increasing requests for "do this change", "now do this", because it reminded me of that bitter after taste, when you feel good about contributing and get met by a bunch of "not like this", "do this instead".

I think you should make it clear what are nice to haves from contributors that have the time to invest a lot of their time/focus and others that may only be able to do some drive by contributions, wanting to hand off their idea in hopes that somebody else is able to catch it and incorporate it into the finished project. That way you can get more structure from those that have the time, without missing out on good ideas.