That escalated quickly. But I'm certainly thankful for the constructive feedback!
I was thinking that compared to what already was in the PR, these would be minor changes, and I guess I intuitively felt @dstorrs would see it like this, too. If my intuition was wrong and the formatting changes feel like a burden, I'm also ok with doing the changes myself. No problem.
Actually, that's always an option. It wouldn't be rational to refuse an already pretty good contribution because there are some formatting issues. Rather I'd use what I get and make any remaining changes myself. What I wrote in the PR comment should be understood as: I'd appreciate these changes, but this isn't a requirement for getting the PR merged.
I think I had intuitively expected to get the additions to the glossary notes in bullet point form. When it didn't happen it occurred to me that having this in bullet point form would make it easier for others to contribute to the same glossary entry, and I pointed out this reasoning in the PR. So this isn't merely a stylistic change in the sense how something is formatted visually.
Although I do have a vision regarding the final product, I'm still trying to find a good way to handle contributions. It's a learning process. The difficulty is to adapt the contribution handling to the specific project. My experience with contributing to other projects doesn't seem to help much here.
I suppose that's what I'm going to do, i.e. accept contributions as they are (unless I don't understand something and need clarification), at least for
From my perspective the main goal of the Racket Glossary is to make it easier for beginning and intermediate Racket users to understand what are basic, intermediate and advanced concepts, so they're not overwhelmed by stuff where they don't know what's important or even what a concept means in the first place. The use of Markdown is "only" to make contributions easier; in my opinion it's quite unrelated to what the glossary is going to be in the end.
I don't think what I'd like to achieve with the glossary can be done in the Racket Guide, or only as a relatively big change to the contents of the Racket guide (see also this post). That said, my wish would be that eventually the glossary would become part of the official Racket documentation. I have no idea if it should be somehow merged into the Racket Guide, become an appendix to the Racket Guide, become a third document or whether it should stay an independent package. However, I'm thinking making this a standalone package for now would give me/us more freedom with experimenting with the form of the glossary. At the moment, I don't have an idea how the glossary could be combined with the Racket guide. I'm not saying it's not possible, only that I don't know how it could be done.
I really appreciate your help , but I'm not sure we should already focus on contributions to the main document. The main reason is I'm still experimenting somewhat with the style of the glossary entries and may not be comfortable with merging whole glossary entries yet. I added the Markdown document (
) not only because of the simpler markup, but more because I'm thinking it's much easier to contribute thoughts/snippets than full glossary entries including examples. Don't get me wrong; I'm not against contributions to glossary.scrbl
, but they probably will be more involved than PRs for
, which makes it more likely that contributors might get frustrated when their contributions aren't merged quickly. But if you think we should try it, then let's try it.