RacketCon 2024! call for participation

Greetings, Racketeers!

Racket leadership has kicked off the planning for the next edition of RacketCon 2024. We are working on the precise dates -- we're looking at October (mostly likely the 5th and 6th) or possibly November -- but you can pencil in Seattle as the likely location. As soon as we have a firm confirmation for the date and location, we'll update this thread.

Sid, Stephen, and I have committed to help make this the best RacketCon ever - but we need your help to make this happen.

Please contact us if you are willing to pitch in, or if you have any special skills

We will gradually start the process of seeking out speakers. As with previous RacketCons, there will be a call for presentations. The planning committee will also start actively looking for potential speakers. We envision a 1.5 day event (Saturday and first half of Sunday), as usual for RacketCon.

Continuing with tradition, we'll also allow Racketeers to nominate a speaker. Nominated speakers will be considered by the committee and contacted.

We will also accept nominations for a potential keynote speaker.

Invited speakers will have their registration fees waived, but unfortunately we cannot offer transportation and lodging at this time.

We intend to make videos of the talks available on YouTube. Depending on the offer and cost of the video setup, we may be able to stream the event live, too.

If you are in industry (especially in the Seattle area) and think your company may be interested in sponsoring the event, please get in touch.

If there are any questions or concerns at all, feel free to write to us or use this thread.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

— The RacketCon 2024 organizers


Forgot to include contact information!

You can direct message us in discourse by clicking any of our names



You can also email us or DM on Discord.

Hope to hear from you soon




FWIW I much prefer Oct over Nov :slight_smile:

October does not conflict with nanowrimo or nanogenmo.

-- hendrik

We're happy to announce that RacketCon 2024 is on! :tada:

  • Date: Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, 2024
  • Location: University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
  • Web page: https://con.racket-lang.org

The organizers are happy to invite all of you here to present your latest Racket work! All Racket topics are welcome. Just send a message to con-organizers@racket-lang.org and we'll get back to you ASAP. We encourage both self-nominations and nominations of others! Do you know someone whose work would be a valuable addition to RacketCon? Let us know!

A registration link will be forthcoming; see the web page, or come back to this thread, once those details have been settled.

Looking forward to seeing you in Seattle!

— The RacketCon 2024 organizers