Scribble/manual: period after closing curly bracket gives problem

#lang scribble/manual
@tt{a} . @;ok (mark the space before the period)
@tt{a}. @;wrong\

The wrong line works well when running the scrbl file locally,
but installing from github with the package manager of DrRacket things go wrong.
I have a get around by writing\


Is this a bug?

version 8.12 [cs] Windows 10

Thanks, Jos

Here is what I see (locally) in the output.

Output format: pdf

Output format: html

What are you seeing and expecting?

I get an error when installing the package with the package manager of DrRacket.

Running the scribble/manual locally I do not get this error.

The error says the period is not an identified identifier

That's odd.

I assume you have double checked that the file on the server is identical to the local one?

Maybe there is some sort of invisible charater next to the period?

My test file:

#lang scribble/manual
@tt{a} .

Yes the file is the same except for

@(defmodule “my-doc.scrbl” #:packages ()) for local use and\

@(defmodule package-name/mydoc #:packages ()) for GitHub.

When using locally I comment the second line out.\

When using GitHub I comment out the first line.

Hyperlinks to local files need adaptation too, but I don’t have then in my current problem.

My GitHub documentation is at

(processor/processor-doc.scrbl at main · joskoot/processor ( )