I'm writing Scribble to document a struct type with an attached property and I'm unsure how to do it. Something like this:
(define-values (prop:foo foo-prop? foo-ref)
(make-struct-type-property 'foo 'can-impersonate))
(struct person (name) #:property prop:foo (delay 7) #:transparent)
(person 'bob)
(force (foo-ref (person 'bob)))
When it comes time to document this, I might do something like this:
@defstruct*[foo ([name string?])]{A struct type for fooing.}
@defproc[(foo-ref ???) ???]{A func that gets the prop:foo from a struct.}
@defproc[(foo-prop? ???) boolean?]{A func that checks if something is a descriptor or instance of a struct type with prop:foo.}
@def???[prop:foo]{A structure property descriptor.}