Trimming tables of contents in #lang scribble/manual

I have a Scribble document whose top-level file uses #:style '(toc multipage), followed by several applications of @include-section. On one of the subpages rendered separately, I have many instances of @section, @subsection, and @subsubsection. I'd like them to not all show up in the table of contents generated in the left sidebar for that subpage. I could live with @section only but it would be nice if I could be selective about the subs and subsubs. Is this possible? There is a mention of a "quiet" style for (struct part ...) in the documentation for @local-table-of-contents, but it's unclear that this applies to the left sidebar, and I'm clueless as to how to use it in either case. Thanks!


I think you want the 'toc-hidden style property. You can supply #:style '(toc-hidden) to section, subsection, or subsubsection, because those functions treat a list of symbols as a list of style properties to use for the generated part.

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Got it, thanks! That is simple and flexible.