How to vertically-align number-entries in Scribble HTML bibliographies?

When rendering a scribble HTML document bibliography (using the number-style), the numbers at each entry are vertically aligned to the center. For example, with the following code:

#lang scribble/manual


   ~cite citet-id
   #:style number-style)

@title[#:date "" #:version ""]{Scribble doc with bibliography}
@author{E. Comer}

Context. For more information, please consult @~cite[bib-ceran], @~cite[bib-heumann].

@(define bib-ceran
    #:title     "Sample size, power and effect size revisited: simplified and practical approaches in pre-clinical, clinical and laboratory studies"
    #:author    "Ceyhan Ceran, et al."
    #:is-book?  'no
    #:date      2021
    #:location (book-location #:publisher "Biochem. Med (Zagreb). 31(1): 010502")
    #:url      ""
    #:note     "Excelente cobertura del tema en el contexto de investigaciones médicas."))

@(define bib-heumann
    #:title     "Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R."
    #:author    (authors "Christian Heumann" "Michael Schomaker" "Salabh")
    #:is-book?  'yes
    #:date      2016
    #:location (book-location #:publisher "Switzerland, Springer Int'l Publ.")
    #:url      ""
    #:note     "El link provee: datasets, soluciones a los ejercicios en R, y lista de errores tipográficos del libro. El contenido del texto es accesible vía CONRICyT para las IES con dicho servicio."))

@(generate-bibliography #:sec-title "Bibliografía")

We have the following HTML rendering of the bibliography:


[1] Ceyhan Ceran, et al. Sample size, power and effect size revisited: simplified and practical approaches in pre-clinical, clinical and laboratory studies. Biochem. Med (Zagreb). 31(1): 010502, 2021. Sample size, power and effect size revisited: simplified and practical approaches in pre-clinical, clinical and laboratory studies - PMC Excelente cobertura del tema en el contexto de investigaciones médicas.
[2] Christian Heumann, Michael Schomaker, and Salabh. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R. Switzerland, Springer Int’l Publ., 2016. El link provee: datasets, soluciones a los ejercicios en R, y lista de errores tipográficos del libro. El contenido del texto es accesible vía CONRICyT para las IES con dicho servicio.

Question: What changes do we need to do in the style, in order to vertically-align the numbers to the top? (that is [1] in the same line as Ceyhan Ceran, and [2] in the same line as Christian Heumann).

Thank you very much in advance for your answer.
E. Comer
P. S. May be a good idea could be, to have the vertically top alignment as the default for the number-style.

With respect to the issue of vertically-align the numbers of each entry in the bibliography, it would be great to have this style as the default one.

Another improvement in functionality, concerning the bibliography items, would be to have a parametric option of #:open-in-new-window (or the like) for the URL associated with the item.

Thank you very much for sharing your ideas about how to implement the above functionality.
Kind regards,
P.S. BTW, the same parametric option of #:open-in-new-window (or the like) could be applied as a default style for the link procedure, of the Scribble module, and in this way helping to simplify our Scribble documents.