Trying to install package: remote-shell-lib

Trying to install package: remote-shell-lib on macos.
When I try Package Install
Pacckage Source: https:://download.racket-lang-org/releases/8.7/catalog
I see this:
Downloading cechsum for catalog
ssl-connect: connect failed (error:1415F086:SSl routines:tls_process-server-certificate:certificate context...:
/Applications/Racket v8.13/collects/openssl/mzssl.rkt369:0: error/network
Any ideas?

I'm confused by a number of things about your post. It looks like you're using version 8.13, but it also looks like ... you're using a v8.7 catalog? Also, it's not clear to me whether you're installing this by using raco pkg install remote-shell-lib at the command-line or by using the Package Manager that's a part of DrRacket. Finally, it's strange to me that you're installing remote-shell-lib rather than the parent package remote-shell, but perhaps you're trying to avoid downloading the documentation?

When I type on a mac terminal:
raco pkg install remote-shell
I get:
Resolving "remote-shell" via Package Catalog
ssl-connect: connect failed (error:... routines:tls_process_server-certificate:certificate verify failed.
I think the problem is on my mac, not in racket.
I removed all certificates on the mac and tried the above raco command.
Same error.
Any ideas?

My issue on my MacOS v10.11.6, is the same as one I have found below with the same title:

Title: Raco unable to install packages on macOS due to SSL/TLS certificate issues #4108

rmculpepper added 3 commits 2 years ago


openssl: use SecTrustCopyAnchorCertificates by default on Mac OS

Related to racket#4108

If I understand correctly, Ryan Culpepper's submit regarding: use SecTrustCopyAnchorCertificates by default on MacOS, is for a change to Racket.

I suspect the fix is not in-place on my Racket v8.13.

Is there a way for me to manually apply the fix to my instance of Racket?


Don Green

Hi Tom,
I am using raco.
I was not aware that the parent pkg is: remote-shell
That is what I am after. It runs fine on my linux box.
Having trouble obtaining the pkg on my mac box.
Error message:
ssl-connect: connect failed ...; SSL routines: tls_process_server_certificate verify failed.

Sorry about calling you Tom.

That fix has been included since Racket 8.5, so it is definitely in 8.13.

The symptoms you are seeing can have many different root causes.

As @jbclements noted, a Racket 8.13 installation should never use https:://download.racket-lang-org/releases/8.7/catalog: quite aside from the network issues, that source would provide packages for the 8.7 release, not 8.13.

It would help to see the result of the following commands:

philip@bastet:~$ racket --version
Welcome to Racket v8.13 [cs].
philip@bastet:~$ raco pkg config catalogs

It might also help to share the contents of the file config.rktd in the directory returned by (find-system-path 'config-dir).

If you really removed all certificates on the mac, the error:

would be expected, because there would be no trusted root certificate to verify the server's certificate.

I suspect you have not actually removed all certificates, though, because that would also break every other application trying to use HTTPS (potentially including your attempt to access this website, unless your browser distributes its own set of root certificates).

Dons-iMac:~don: racket --version
Welcome to Racket v8.13 [cs].
Dons-iMac:~don: raco pkg config catalogs

(find-system-path 'config-dir)
returns: #<path:../../../../etc/>

You are correct.
I did not delete any certificates under headings:
System Roots

This is as expected for Racket 8.13, which should not produce this message:

referring to the 8.7 catalog. Are you sure that is in the error message you got? Could you possibly have been running different versions of the raco command? How did you install Racket? Are there any other unusual aspects of your configuration or environment?

What if you try avoiding the catalog lookup, like this?

raco pkg install git://

Are you able to install other packages from the catalog?

When I try:

raco pkg install git://

I get messages:
Querying Git references for remote-shell at git://github ...
Using cached1721... for git://...
The following uninstalled packages are listed as dependencies of remote-shell:
Would you like to install these dependencies? (Y/n/...)
If I enter Y, then I get a ssl-connect error.
If I enter n, then I get:
raco pkg install: missing dependencies
missing packages:

I don't believe remote-shell has installed because when I then go to Racket/Package Manager/ Installed Packages/and search for: remote-shell, it is not found.

Package Manager does not currently show any packages installed.
I'll look up the name of one from my linux box and see if it installs via git
but if it happens to have dependencies then I expect the same ssl-connect error.

I notice that "remote-shell-doc" is misspelled as "remobe-shell-doc" in two separate places in your message, which is strange. Are these typos? If so, are you manually retyping everything by hand? It should definitely be possible to copy and paste from the terminal, or from the DrRacket package manager. If these are not typos, then something genuinely weird is going on.

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You can modify the instructions to manually install the dependencies:

raco pkg install git:// && raco pkg install git:// && raco pkg install git://