Thank you @soegaard . I runned the code in the original test-pdf-functions.rkt , now using the file "guide.pdf", with the following results:
'((title "")
(author "")
(aubject "")
(keywords "")
"LaTeX with hyperref package")
'(612.0 792.0)
"The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference manuals."
"The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference manuals.\n1"
(Note: the points in the results above, correspond to images of the PDF content, in normal and reduced scales).
But, the program also provoked the openning of a Console DrRacket 8.11 Windows with the following content.
cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference manuals.\n1"
exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception raised: cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference manuals.\n1"
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe\alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2245:25
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\more-scheme.rkt:266:2: call-with-exception-handler
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2232:17
cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference manuals."
exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception raised: cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "The Racket Guide\nVersion\nMatthew Flatt,\nRobert Bruce Findler,\nand PLT\nJune 9, 2013\nThis guide is intended for programmers who are new to Racket or new to some part of\nRacket. It assumes programming experience, so if you are new to programming, consider\ninstead reading How to Design Programs. If you want an especially quick introduction to\nRacket, start with Quick: An Introduction to Racket with Pictures.\nChapter 2 provides a brief introduction to Racket. From Chapter 3 on, this guide dives into\ndetails—covering much of the Racket toolbox, but leaving precise details to The Racket\nReference and other reference manuals."
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe\alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2245:25
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\more-scheme.rkt:266:2: call-with-exception-handler
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2232:17
cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "pdfTeX-1.40.3"
exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception raised: cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "pdfTeX-1.40.3"
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe\alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2245:25
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\more-scheme.rkt:266:2: call-with-exception-handler
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2232:17
cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "LaTeX with hyperref package"
exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception raised: cpointer-accessor: contract violation
expected: cpointer?
given: "LaTeX with hyperref package"
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe\alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2245:25
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\more-scheme.rkt:266:2: call-with-exception-handler
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2232:17
internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception raised: internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2245:25
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\more-scheme.rkt:266:2: call-with-exception-handler
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2232:17
GList->C: argument is not non-null `GList' pointer
argument: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]
exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception raised: GList->C: argument is not non-null `GList' pointer
argument: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe\alloc.rkt:27:0: deallocate
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2245:25
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\more-scheme.rkt:266:2: call-with-exception-handler
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2232:17
internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
exception raised by exception handler: abort-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: continuation-prompt-tag?
given: [?error-value->string-handler not ready?]; original exception raised: internal error: attempt to deschedule the current thread in atomic mode
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2245:25
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\private\more-scheme.rkt:266:2: call-with-exception-handler
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\ffi\unsafe.rkt:2232:17
As before, using Ctrl-C twice on this last window, and closing it, also closed the DrRacket Editor.
So, this means, as you said (due to the above results), that the issue is OS-Related.
Thank you again @soegaard for helping to pinpoint the source of this issue.