Using pdf-read package to extract text from pdf file

Hi @tbhanson

With help from Flatt, who provided binaries for arm macs, there is now hope it will work.

I have added poppler-aarch64-macosx to poppler-libs and updated the dependencies in racket-popler. They are put on Github, but there is a little delay until the package server registers the changes.

When the package server is caught up, I expect you can write:

raco pkg install poppler-aarch64-macosx

to install the binaries and then your test program ought to work.

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Many thanks. Can one add github to the list of sources?

MacBook-Pro:~ tbh$ raco pkg install poppler-aarch64-macosx
Resolving "poppler-aarch64-macosx" via
Resolving "poppler-aarch64-macosx" via
Resolving "poppler-aarch64-macosx" via
raco pkg install: cannot find package on catalogs
  package: poppler-aarch64-macosx

@tbhanson I failed to realize that I needed to make a new package on the package server maually. It wasn't enough to update poppler-libs. (It's been a while since a new platform was added.)

The new package is now on the package server, so I hope

raco pkg install poppler-aarch64-macosx

now works.

See :

Thanks, @soegaard

Yes, I was now able to install.

Unfortunately, when I run the small example (just #lang and the (require...)) DrRacket crashes. The report says it automatically goes to Apple, but please let me know if I can send it elsewhere.

An issue here would be great:

Also, which version of Racket are you using?
(The poppler binary needs to match the Cairo binaries built for Racket.)

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I'm using DrRacket 8.12

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