Where are GLU and GLUT libraries for OpenGL?

Is there a Racket-style GLU to go with sgl, the Racket-style OpenGL?
Same for any other traditional helper libraries? (GLUT?)
I have not been able to guess the proper spelling of gluPerspective in Racket-style.
glu-perspective seems not to work.

-- hendrik

I think it is perspective:

Thank you.
No. It didn't work.
But you pointed me to the source code, where I discovered that _provide is a macro that expands to provide without the underscore and a renaming.
I didn't manage to unravel the macro definition, but it seemed not to pay attention to the "glu" in "gluPerspective" I tried guessing that it would end up renaming that to "gl-perspective", and that turned out to be the case.
Despite the "glu", it still renamed to gl- unstead of glu-.

The manual needs to be changed where it discusses how C-style names get changed to Racket-style names.

3 Racket-Style OpenGL
"change the gl prefix to gl-"
"change the gl or gl- prefix to gl- (but not glu-)"

-- hendrik

Last commit in 2005 ?

If you're observing how awesome it is that code from 2005 still runs today, I'm in strong agreement!

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This may be related to the way our OpenGL binding is similary ancient. even though there have been major changes in OpenGL.

I haven't even been able to use existing OpenGL tutorials (for C programmers) to figure out how to use OpenGL in Racket. Too many of the functions they take for granted just didn't exist.

And OpenGL seems itself to be slowly on its way out, with the rise of Vulcan. At least there is a vulcan binding. Has anyone used it?

But I'm still happily using sgl.

-- hendrik