Why is the official org website down?

I'm stuck in a project and I can't read the docs because the website is down!


Amin via Racket Discussions notifications@racket.discoursemail.com

I'm stuck in a project and I can't read the docs because the website is down!

Hi Amin;

I don't know about your problem reaching https://docs.racket-lang.org
(currently it is OK for me),
but you can also read the docs locally either via "raco doc" on the
command line or the help menu in DrRacket.

I hope this helps,


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Like @bremner, I can also reach docs.racket-lang.org so it might be a local problem.

Since Racket comes with local docs, you can use them (see bremners post).

In case you find yourself in a similar situation and do not have access to local docs,
then there is good odds of finding documentation on archive.org.
