Getting Documentation from the Help Menu

Hi Folks,

I just discovered that selecting “Documentation” under “Help” in the DrRacket IDE
that the functionality depends on what I set as my default browser. It works flawlessly with Safari as the default on my iMac however, if I set DuckDuckGo as my default browser all that I get is the Documentation Index, which has no functionality. Has anyone else stumbled across this and if so have you found a solution? I’ve been poking around the privacy settings in DuckDuckGo but alas I have yet to solve the problem and yes I know the solution obvious, stick with Safari!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I have no experience with the DuckDuckGo browser. This may come across as tone-deaf—browser choice can be intensely personal—but I've had a long and happy relationship with Firefox, a browser built by a nonprofit (Mozilla) that I believe in. I believe their privacy focus is second to none. Again, this is just my personal and biased opinion.

People have approached me with similar problems using Safari as the default problem.

I have been able to reconstruct this problem for Salari once, not on a reliable basis, by creating a new account on my laptop, setting up Racket by just downloading (my normal mode is ‘built from source’), and setting up a few other things. Of course, it didn’t repeat the second time I did this. All I am saying “be warned, sometime Macs are truly random, perhaps good for lottery tickets).

Apropos Safari and local html pages.

It might have something to do with the default security settings (and us old-timers forgetting that we changed the settings).

According to this [1] one has to give Safari access to local files.

[1] Can't open HTML pages in Safari? Add Safari to Full Disk Access | Macworld

I am not sure that's the only way of granting access to Safari though.

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Some browsers may restrict local files (e.g. those with URLs file://). It's a bit more than what @soegaard linked: even Safari itself can impose more security restrictions on JavaScript than the "Full Disk Access" permission control like javascript - Safari - Does not have Disable local file restrictions option - Stack Overflow or Changing Developer settings in Safari on macOS | Apple Developer Documentation.

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I hope I understand this

  • safari works 'flawlessly' on local documentation
  • duckduckgo-browser(DDGB) only gives you the documentation index
    e.g. file:///Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/
    but any attempt to click a link doesn't follow the link

I thought I'd try it

  1. I download ddgb and set it as my default

  2. selected a docs search term 'machine' and pressed (fn)F1

  3. DDGB showed me this page file:///private/var/folders/l5/b3pc5pcj0j33n2wxwlxpwhhh0000gn/T/plt-sendurl-contents-file-17389611231738961123536.html

  4. I clicked the link file:///Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/ - but it refused to follow the link.

I used the inspector to check the console

Not allowed to load local resource: file:///Users/stephendegabrielle/Library/Racket/

I gave DDGB 'Full disk access' in macOS settings and restarted

But it had the same result.

I suspect you are running up against a protection in DDGB setting - but I wasn't able to work it out. Maybe check with DDG community sites - let us know if you find a solution.

Stephen :beetle:


OK Ok OK surrender, I'm sticking with Safari! :rofl: Seriously though, thank you all for the replies!


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