Converting slideshow to text?

Does anybody know if there's a way to get a text version of a #lang slideshow file? I'm eventually hoping to get the contents into org-mode so I can have a single file with my class's lecture notes, but just getting some kind of textual representation would help.

I realize there are going to be visual things that don't translate directly, but I'm just looking to kickstart the process.

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Joey Eremondi via Racket Discourse writes:

Does anybody know if there's a way to get a text version of a #lang slideshow file? I'm eventually hoping to get the contents into org-mode so I can have a single file with my class's lecture notes, but just getting some kind of textual representation would help.

I realize there are going to be visual things that don't translate directly, but I'm just looking to kickstart the process.

Since nobody replied yet, my first instinct is to output PDF, and then
run it through a pdf to text converter (e.g. pdftotext from
poppler-utils in Debian/Ubuntu).

Hopefully someone has an approach that preserves more of the semantics,
but since slideshow is a Turing complete markup language, that may be

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