A four-dimensional maze

Source code and 0README at http://topoi.pooq.com/hendrik/maze-source/
It's still under development. My intent is to add a lot more documentation so others can learn from this example. It's a multiplayer game that runs on the Racket webserver. See the 0README file.
Known deficiencies:

  • I have no great way of graphically displaying four dimensions on a two-dimensional screen, so it's a text game
  • It needs more internal documentation. (in progress)
  • It should also exemplify server-initiated events. (likely to be completed after the submission deadline.)

The text-only 4-D maze game has been updated.
Apart from a few minor bug fixes, the documentation has been revised. It is now written in scribble, and an HTML version is available.
Go to Index of /hendrik/maze-source/
and download what you wish in that directory.
The code is still under development. Do not rely on it staying the same. If you want to use it in your own code, make sure to make a copy and use the copy. What's posted online is likely to change incompatibly as I learn more about what I should have done.
Advice what I should have done is welcome.
And please, report any bugs you find to me.
-- hendrik

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The code is temporarily down, along with my entire website, because my server is broken.

-- hendrik

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