Discourse chat as alternative to Discord/Slack/IRC/etc

Discord was sick for a while yesterday - it became unusuable with very slow response times.
Fortunately we have an alternative!

The other place Racketeers gather to discuss, ask questions and share their work is the Racket Discourse https://racket.discourse.group

Discourse includes a chat facility Chat #General (you can also access it via the little speech bubble in the top menu, between PasteRack and the search magnifying glass logo)

I'm not saying you have to stop using discord/slack/IRC/Telegram/matrix/etc. - but if there is downtime like discord experienced there is an alternative.

Discord and slack are currently free, but this could change at any time.

Discourse is also currently free, but the platform is open source software and we could host it ourselves should the provider decide to stop providing free hosting.

Notes: The base discord is free, but a number of community members have boosted this instance and we all get the benefits.
