Does DrRacket 8.7 start on Windows 7?

That's OK, contact me when you want.

I forgot to mention that both cs and BC have problems when running a module already present in the compiled directory. Possibly caused by the virus protector rather than DrRacket itself.
After deleting the directory all goes smoothly and a new compile directory is made.

Can you be more specific? I can't tell whether you're referring to an error from Racket saying that the racket code was compiled for a different version, or something else.

After looking closer, it appears to be a directory/file permission issue.

At the moment I have three versions of Racket on my windows 10 system.

8.9 BC, 8.9 cs and 8.10.01 cs

As far as I can see they put zo’s and dep’s in the same directory.

Welcome to DrRacket, version [cs].

Language: racket/base [custom]; memory limit: 40000 MB.

. . ............\Program Files\Racket-\collects\racket\file.rkt:611:24: rename-file-or-directory: cannot rename file or directory

source path: C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\usb-stick\interpreter\16-juli-2023\compiled\drracket\COLLECTS-racket-file.rkt-586-20_16897058021689705802837

dest path: C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\usb-stick\interpreter\16-juli-2023\compiled\drracket\value_rkt.dep

system error: Access is denied.; win_err=5

After adjusting the permissions the problem goes away.

I did not notice this earlier because Norton shadows the real problem with an ominous alarm in stead of asking whether or not I do permit.

On Windows 7 it is the same.

Sorry for the noise.

Well, I'm not sure why there would be a permission issue here, but it sounds like you do, so I'm good.

Sure, it is NOT A RACKET ISSUE. I finally succeeded in instructing Norton that Racket and DrRacket are safe programs that can be trusted and now the problem has gone. To do so I had to pass through a labyrinth of unclear options. May be I should look for another, friendlier protector.

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