I'm following Harvey's course and I need to run the OO examples using the library they developed (here).
I am not able to load it since #lang simply-scheme
does not define define-macro
Does anyone by chance implement this OO model?
PS: I am not able to use UCB's Scheme since it does not run on M1 chips.
Best Regards,
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Hi @soegaard, thanks for the suggestion.
I've tried to use it for two examples and got two different errors.
In the first example, I got an error that I can circumvent by declaring a dummy instance-var. This is the error:
obj.rkt:156:5: result arity mismatch;
expected number of values not received
expected: 2
received: 1
in: local-binding form
This is the original code
#lang racket
(require "obj.rkt" rackunit)
(define-class (account balance)
;(instance-vars (dummy-var 0)) ; -> Commented to generate the error
(method (deposit amount)
(set! balance (+ amount balance))
(method (withdraw amount)
(if (< balance amount)
"Insufficient funds"
(set! balance (- balance amount))
The second error I got when building a class inheriting from this. Here's the error:
my-account: unbound identifier in: my-account
And here's the code that generated the error:
(define-class (checking-account init-balance)
(parent (account init-balance))
(instance-vars (check-fee 0.10))
(method (write-check amount)
(ask self 'withdraw (+ amount check-fee)))
(method (set-fee! fee)
(set! check-fee fee)))
This second error I can't circumvent.
Thank you
Default-method is generating an error as well:
(define-class (squarer)
(instance-vars (dummy 0))
(default-method (* message message))
(method (7) 'buzz) )
The error it generates:
message: unbound identifier
other binding...:
other binding...:
common scopes...: in: message
I think, you will get a better experience using the builing objects.
#lang racket
(define account
(class object% ; parent
(init-field balance)
(define/public (deposit amount)
(set! balance (+ amount balance))
(define/public (withdraw amount)
(if (< balance amount)
"Insufficient funds"
(set! balance (- balance amount))
(define my-account (new account [balance 20]))
(send my-account deposit 100)
(send my-account withdraw 20)
(define checking-account
(class account ; parent
(init init-balance)
(super-new [balance init-balance])
(define check-fee 0.10)
(define/public (write-check amount)
(send this withdraw (+ amount check-fee)))
(define/public (set-fee! fee)
(set! check-fee fee))))
(define my-account2 (new checking-account [init-balance 20]))
(send my-account2 write-check 10)