Possible acmart.cls update needed, for language scribble/acmart

When using the scribble/acmart language (for PDF output), an error is reported in the interaction window, saying that the hyperref package needs to be before the hyperxmp package.

The error is solved when changing the relative order of the following lines of code in the acmart.cls file located at the folder racket/share/pkgs/scribble-lib/scribble/acmart (in my Windows 10-based installation).

(line 583) \RequirePackage{hyperxmp}
(line 586) \RequirePackage[bookmarksnumbered,unicode]{hyperref}

That is, moving the code in line 586 as follows:

(line 583) \RequirePackage[bookmarksnumbered,unicode]{hyperref}
(line 584) \RequirePackage{hyperxmp}

Question: Would it be possible to update and test the acmart.cls file for the coming Racket 8.12 version? (as a reference: the current version number for the acmart package, seems to be 2.00, published by 2023-11-09)

Thank you very much in advance for your support.
E. Comer

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I think the copy of acmart.cls here needs to be replaced by the latest version:

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Thank you @shhyou. Also thanks to @ben_greenman who pushed an update, that will be included in version 8.12.

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