Racket languages showcase! Nominate a language!

I'd like to see a list of Racket languages on the Racket website to give people an idea of the power and possibilities for creating programming languages in Racket.

You can search for #lang's in the Racket documentation: https://docs.racket-lang.org/search/index.html?q=H%3A this currently 237 #lang's - which is way too many for a page linked from the homepage.

The idea is to come up with a list that is reasonably short and illustrative of the variety.

This is quite hard do to as most people tend to use only a few languages, so please make as many nominations as you can. Your efforts won't be wasted as the intention is to have a secondary page linked from the showcase with a much larger list.


Submissions are anonymous - the form does not collect email addresses.

Any feedback on the form is appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Stephen :beetle:

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While I don't disagree with using a nomination form, starting a spreadsheet and asking for check marks in columns and additional rows might give us a better overview. (Thinking aloud)

In that case here is the google sheet link

It is still attached to the form so I believe both will work but I've not tested yet
