Racket meet-up Saturday 1 April 2023 at 18:00 UTC :racket:

Firstly: my apologies - I set the wrong time on the discord event.

So. It was a discord event, not a discourse event. I attended neitherm and went to gather as usual, where there was a mention of a discourse event.

The event on gather town had fewer attendees than usual.

I had heard of neither a discord event nor a discourse event. I guess I missed the announcement.

Where should I go next month?

And would I need an incitation to join on discord, if that's the location?

And if it's discourse, how to join? Is that where this mailing list is held? I access it only by email,

-- hendrik

We effectively had two meet-ups;

The first included Sage @slg giving a demo about his work innovating in software distribution & package management space.

As I got the time wrong I’d appreciate it if the attendees could reply with a short summary of the first half of the meet-up for the record I’d really appreciate it. (I missed most of the demo and don’t know what else was discussed) @slg mention

Looking forward to the summaries,

-- hendrik

The second session included discussion of Racketfest; a higher number of Racketeers (in a very nice venue) enjoyed excellent presentations. Not least was Untitled Maze Game (Pacman) by Jens @soegaard. (I had a first go at making a level - it was fun and easy so have a go)

@dominik.pantucek got us very excited by sharing that there is a possibility to hold next years Racketfest in Prague

These was also discussion of text interfaces

That sounds like the half-meetup I did attend.

Please go on posting times in UTC (or UCT, ehichever language you make the acronym from.)

-- hendrik