Racket meet-up Saturday 3 December at 18:00 UTC :racket:

Thanks to everyone who attended the Racket meet-up

we started off sharing our excitement about the announcement of Racketfest, "the rogue festival of Racket & language-oriented programming" for March 2023 (Thank you to Jesse for organising Racketfest - sadly Jesse was unable to attend the meet-up but sent his apologies)

You can read the Racketfest announcement here: Racketfest 2023: The little Racket conference that could!

Also mentioned was the Advent of Code Racket Leaderboard announcement

After this @dominik.pantucek did a longer show and tell as mentioned earlier in the thread - he has agreed to post some screenshots for those who were not able to join us.

Mentioned: (a wildly incomplete list)

  • Using fxvector for better performance
  • x64 Assembler a x64 assembler written in Typed Racket, and it generates code that can be used in Racket directly.

I had to leave the group to make my dinner for my family but before I left there was excitement about the upcoming Racketfest talk Lamb­da, the Drag­on Slay­er! from by Paulo Matos of Igalia @pmatos ...it is a long wait until Sat­ur­day, March 18, 2023

best wishes

PS the next meet-up with be Saturday 7 January...join us, everyone is welcome.

PPS I've just booked my Racketfest ticket and I am looking forward to meeting more Racket & language-oriented programming enthusiasts there.