Racket setup probrem on Windows

I install Racket on Windows 11 and set Environment "PLTUSERHOME" and "PLTADDONDIR" for "XDG Base Directory"

PLTUSERHOME = "C:\Users\atsushifx.config"
PLTADDONDIR = "C:\Users\atsushifx.local\share/Racket/addon"

I want to save only init-file for Git, so set PLTUSERHOME and PLTADDONDIR, but `download-cache" directory still created ""C:\Users\atsushifx.config\racket" directory.

How to custmize or set these directory & files to move "XDG Base Directory" like.

In this case, I use raco pkg config to change download-cache-dir to move `XDG_CONFIG_HOME'

command line is:

raco pkg config --scope installation --set download-cache-dir $env:XDG_CACHE_HOME"/racket/download-cache"

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