This has eluded me for a long time and I just figured it out so I'd like to share with other people.
- Go to Releases · raysan5/raylib · GitHub and scroll down to raylib v2.5.0
- Download
- Open Dr. Racket, Racket on the cmdline, or your favorite text editor and run this code to find out where Racket looks dynamically linked libraries
#lang racket
(require setup/dirs)
mine are in 2 places '(#<path:C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Racket\8.4\lib> #<path:C:\Program Files\Racket\lib>)
4. extract the libraylib.dll and put in one of the two locations. I put mine in C:\Program Files\Racket\lib
5. Install racket-raylib-2d with raco pkg install racket-raylib-2d
6. Run the example code
#lang racket
(require raylib-2d
(define screenWidth 800)
(define screenHeight 450)
;; Initialization
(InitWindow screenWidth screenHeight "raylib [core] example - basic window")
(SetTargetFPS 60) ; Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
(ClearBackground RAYWHITE)
(DrawText "Congrats! You created your first window!" 190 200 20 LIGHTGRAY)))
I would assume to run other c libraries the same process would apply (assuming racket bindings existed)