Speed-up issue with futures (CS)

I have a naive softmax-like function that is decently sped-up by futures (10x on the machine I'm using), but is numerically unstable. When I try to use the standard "subtract the max" trick, it does become stable, but futures don't help at all anymore.

This is really surprising because the stable version is written in a way that it should do no more than twice the amount of computation of the unstable version:

softmax.rkt gist

TLDR: Take a look at the table of results at the end of the link above (in particular the real time values).

Any help would be very appreciated!

Some additional points:

  • The future visualizer doesn't show anything suspicious (no GC, no blocks).
  • The amount of GC for many futures for the stable version is really surprising.
  • I've looked at PLT_LINKLET_SHOW_CP0=1 raco make ... but couldn't see anything suspicious (considering that I'm not sure exactly what to look for either), except that flexp is not turned into unsafe-flexp, but that should be the case for both versions, so it's not the reason of the issue at hand
  • I'm not sure what to look for in the output of disassemble.

I ran the softmax code from the link you provided, and it seems to me that the stable version is less than 2x slower, based on the results it prints out. My results are shown below.

This is with Racket 8.6 cs on Windows, running the code inside DrRacket with "no debugging or profiling set".


No future:
cpu time: 1953 real time: 1959 gc time: 578

n-futures: 1
cpu time: 921 real time: 939 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1578 real time: 1614 gc time: 31

n-futures: 2
cpu time: 734 real time: 431 gc time: 15
cpu time: 1937 real time: 1243 gc time: 78

n-futures: 3
cpu time: 859 real time: 306 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1578 real time: 703 gc time: 140

n-futures: 4
cpu time: 1046 real time: 269 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1546 real time: 521 gc time: 171

n-futures: 5
cpu time: 1109 real time: 239 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1906 real time: 417 gc time: 78

n-futures: 10
cpu time: 1312 real time: 251 gc time: 15
cpu time: 1828 real time: 433 gc time: 296

n-futures: 15
cpu time: 1468 real time: 206 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1781 real time: 395 gc time: 218

n-futures: 20
cpu time: 1468 real time: 229 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2296 real time: 419 gc time: 406

n-futures: 30
cpu time: 1515 real time: 213 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2062 real time: 414 gc time: 484

n-futures: 40
cpu time: 1546 real time: 206 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2265 real time: 393 gc time: 640

n-futures: 50
cpu time: 1406 real time: 205 gc time: 15
cpu time: 2375 real time: 424 gc time: 125

n-futures: 100
cpu time: 1578 real time: 200 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2281 real time: 368 gc time: 453

n-futures: 150
cpu time: 1562 real time: 201 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2203 real time: 396 gc time: 203

n-futures: 200
cpu time: 1296 real time: 202 gc time: 15
cpu time: 2234 real time: 392 gc time: 546

Thanks @alexh , that's interesting. What number does (processor-count) from racket/future return?

The GC numbers are also pretty high for the stable version (in particular for the no-future run, which is intriguing).

I updated the gist with garbage collection before each run and some more info, if you have the time would you mind running it from the command line just to be sure? Thanks!

Here are the results from the new version. I ran them from the command line using racket.exe but running the code from DrRacket gives similar results -- the times are slightly different each time the code runs, but not by much.


Welcome to Racket v8.6 [cs].
#processors: 8

No future:
cpu time: 640 real time: 634 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1250 real time: 1243 gc time: 0

n-futures: 1
cpu time: 640 real time: 642 gc time: 15
cpu time: 1265 real time: 1260 gc time: 0

n-futures: 2
cpu time: 656 real time: 331 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1296 real time: 725 gc time: 93

n-futures: 3
cpu time: 703 real time: 232 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1390 real time: 525 gc time: 203

n-futures: 4
cpu time: 718 real time: 200 gc time: 15
cpu time: 1468 real time: 419 gc time: 171

n-futures: 5
cpu time: 953 real time: 212 gc time: 0
cpu time: 1937 real time: 458 gc time: 187

n-futures: 10
cpu time: 1250 real time: 215 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2312 real time: 474 gc time: 328

n-futures: 15
cpu time: 1343 real time: 175 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2515 real time: 418 gc time: 234

n-futures: 20
cpu time: 1187 real time: 193 gc time: 46
cpu time: 2656 real time: 424 gc time: 93

n-futures: 30
cpu time: 1281 real time: 174 gc time: 93
cpu time: 2171 real time: 416 gc time: 625

n-futures: 40
cpu time: 1375 real time: 172 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2484 real time: 421 gc time: 359

n-futures: 50
cpu time: 1390 real time: 181 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2234 real time: 432 gc time: 328

n-futures: 100
cpu time: 1375 real time: 172 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2796 real time: 429 gc time: 187

n-futures: 150
cpu time: 1468 real time: 176 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2375 real time: 433 gc time: 468

n-futures: 200
cpu time: 1359 real time: 173 gc time: 0
cpu time: 2359 real time: 429 gc time: 296
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Thanks Alex!

Both version seem to enjoy a speed-up factor of 3-4, which is the best we can expect with 8 cpu-threads (so likely 4 cores) and the computation time remains mostly within a factor 2 between the two versions, so it's good. Of course it's not entirely clear whether these results would extrapolate to 64 cores, but even with 5 futures I already see a large discrepancy on my machine. Is Linux the issue for the lack of speed up in my case?

Also, the GC times for the stable version are still pretty surprising. Are these numbers real or are they artifacts?

Line 69 says softmax speedup issue with futures · GitHub

(set! n-cols (fx+ n-cols))

Is that a leftover of a previous version? It marks n-cols as mutable (in spite it's never mutated) and that may disable some optimizations.

As a rule of thumb, the compiler is unhappy when there are mutable variables and it's a good idea to avoid them when possible.

One easy change is to wrap the second part of softmax-ref/stable with (let ([βmax βmax])...) so in that loop βmax is not mutable. But I don't expect a huge improvement.

Fixing θact is more difficult. It's a typical case of a for that needs two results like what I asked in updates to `for` by mflatt · Pull Request #239 · racket/rhombus-prototype · GitHub This case is easy because you only want to keep one of them instead of applying a complicated reduction.

What about calculating first the sum only for that column to get θact and then calculating all the columns to get Z? It will be slower when there are only a few columns, but eliminating the mutable variables perhaps may help.

Thanks for your help!

The following immutable version has the same timings as the previous stable one, including the bad GC values:

(define (softmax-ref/stable-immutable βmatrix idxs n-cols act)

  (define βmax
    (let loop ([col 0] [βmax -inf.0])
        [(fx< col n-cols)
         (define β
           (for/flsum ([idx (in-fxvector idxs)])
             (flvector-ref βmatrix (fx+ idx col))))
         (loop (fx+ col 1) (flmax β βmax))]

  (define-values  (Z θact)
    (let loop ([col 0] [Z 0.] [θact 0.])
      (cond [(fx< col n-cols)
             (define β
               (for/flsum ([idx (in-fxvector idxs)])
                 (flvector-ref βmatrix (fx+ idx col))))
             (define θu (flexp (fl- β βmax)))
             (loop (fx+ col 1) (fl+ Z θu) (if (fx= col act) θu θact))]
             (values Z θact)])))

  (fl/ θact Z))

I had actually tried a few other versions: fully immutable with for/fold only, and with named lets only, fully mutable (@samth mentioned I might need to use set! to avoid boxing the flonums). Nothing made a significant difference. I'm certainly willing to try more variants though.

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Using the stack to avoid recalculating the βs gives the same story:

(define (softmax-ref/stable-stack βmatrix idxs n-cols act)
  (define θact 0.)
  (define-values (_βmax Z)
    (let loop ([col 0] [βmax -inf.0])
      (cond [(fx< col n-cols)
             (define β
               (for/flsum ([idx (in-fxvector idxs)])
                 (flvector-ref βmatrix (fx+ idx col))))
             (define-values (βmax-final sum) (loop (fx+ col 1) (flmax β βmax)))
             (define θ (flexp (fl- β βmax-final)))
             (when (fx= col act) (set! θact θ))
             (values βmax-final (fl+ sum θ))]
             (values βmax 0.)])))
  (fl/ θact Z))

I also tried using a freshly allocated flvector to maintain the βs, no difference. Also allocating the flvector only once and passing it as argument to the function — still no difference.

:tada: I've found the culprit!! :tada:

It's (flmax β βmax), which can 'guarantee' eq?, which is precisely what we want to avoid to allow for not boxing flonum!
To break this guarantee, we just wrap the argument with fl+: (flmax (fl+ β) (fl+ βmax)).
The docs on flonum optimization do mention this, but in this case it's pretty sneaky!

Here's a more explicit example:

(define (flvector-max ys)
  (define ymax -inf.0)
  (for ([y (in-flvector ys)])
    (when (fl> y ymax)
      (set! ymax (fl+ y)))) ; `ymax` does not need to be `eq?` to y
  (fl+ ymax)) ; again we break the `eq?` guarantee

Dang that took me a long time to find out! Hopefully I'll remember this one :smiley:

With this change, the stable version is almost as fast as the unstable one (less than a factor 2).

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I don't think it's about guaranteeing eq?. It appears that flmax just isn't specialized in the compiler, so it doesn't support unboxing.

I'm surprised that flmax and flmin are not currently covered, but I'll fix that and check whether any other fl functions are missing.

Thanks for tracking this down!

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I've pushed the change to flmin and flmax.

The end result seems like what you report for avoiding flmax, but it's simplest to report the change in terms of allocations in a no-futures run, as measured by (current-memory-use 'cumulative) before and after:

  cpu time: 196 real time: 209 gc time: 1
  allocated: 44427328 ; that's 8 digits

  cpu time: 613 real time: 639 gc time: 6
  allocated: 1949946688 ; that's 10 digits

  cpu time: 352 real time: 378 gc time: 0
  allocated: 63233040 ; that's 8 digits, used to be 10-digit 1948267584

That is, allocation is reduced by a factor of 30 or so.

You can cut allocation by about half again with the fl+ trick in the Z θact loop as (values (fl+ Z) (fl+ θact)), but it's diminishing returns.

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I assumed it was an eq? thing because turning flmax into fl> changed nothing, and for (set! βmax (flmax βmax β)) it was enough to fix it to only (set! βmax (flmax βmax (fl+ β))) without changing the other branch of flmax. Not being covered by the compiler works too :slight_smile:

Now that this is fixed, all 64 cores are fully at 100%, so futures work very well!

Last thing: would you recommend the fully immutable version over any mutation? (I could fix all versions)