Tutorial for using frog on Windows?

One of my students asked me if it was possible to use frog on Windows. I
guess the answer is "yes, with sufficient effort", and I see some hints
in the source about "python.exe", but I was curious if someone has a
nice tutorial explaining all of the steps needed for a beginner to get
up and running with frog on Windows.

The Quick Start section of the docs covers it pretty well. In short:

  • Install Racket, if you haven't already
  • Install the frog package, either with the DrRacket packet manager or with raco pkg install frog on the command line
  • If you plan to post code blocks on your blog and you want them to be nicely highlighted and formatted, you can install Python and the pygments package, but that's optional
  • Once frog (and pygments, if you want it) are installed, make the folder where you want to keep your blog files
  • Open the terminal/command prompt, navigate to that folder, and run raco frog --init to generate all the project files
  • Make new posts by putting them in /_src/posts
  • Build the pages from the posts and preview them locally by running raco frog -bp
  • When you're happy with how the blog looks, copy/push all the files to whatever web host you're using

The forward slashes make it seem like the "on Windows" part of the question is being overlooked

On Windows it'd be \_src\posts, then.