Racket meet-up Saturday 5 March 18:00 UTC
Racket meet-up happen s the first Saturday EVERY Month at UTC18:00
thank you to @dominik.pantucek for the write-up of the Feb meet-up : Racket meet up Saturday 5 Feb 18:00 UTC - #3 by dominik.pantucek
Racket meet-up happen s the first Saturday EVERY Month at UTC18:00
thank you to @dominik.pantucek for the write-up of the Feb meet-up : Racket meet up Saturday 5 Feb 18:00 UTC - #3 by dominik.pantucek
Just had a great meet-up
We started with some RacketCon 12 planning;
Stefan, Simon, Sam and Marc all talked about their projects. I mentioned repeatedly that we have a lovely #show-and-tell category and projects large and small are all welcome and encouraged. If you are making something fun or useful with Racket tell us about it.
(It doesn't have to be pure Racket - if you used Racket with python or c++ or arduino we want to know!)
There was a little Rhombus discussion - Alex noted benefits were feeding back into Racket itself and gave the example of changes to for loops making them easier to use with macros.
The next meet-up will be Saturday 2 April
(Any mistakes in the above are my own)
best regards,