We are all here because we like Racket. (There are a lot of different reasons)
If you find, make or write something that is Racket related, it is good and right to share it with others who may be interested.
My strategy is to post on Discourse - It is quick and easy to do, and easy to link to.
- Write your post
- Include an invitation to discus on Racket discourse or Chat on Racket Discord
- Use the link icon under the top post for your link on other platforms
Then share the post wherever is appropriate:
- Discourse in the "Show & Tell" category
- Discord:
Racket Discord in
(1045 members) - Racket Taiwan Discord
on the Lisp discord. (2994 members) - Scheme discord (408 members)
- r/ProgrammingLanguages Discord Server (2400 members)
- Programming Language Development (1,537 members)
- other discord servers as appropriate - e.g. if you implement your own version of prolog it would probably be ok to post that on a Prolog discord server (check the server
Racket Discord in
Reddit r/racket (6.7k members)
- cross post to
- r/scheme (7.2k members)
- r/lisp (34.1k members)
- cross post to
- Twitter - tag
(6,778 Followers) - I'm not keen on#racket
because that hashtag is on lots of tweets about crime) - Facebook DrRacket Group (288 members)
- LinkedIn Racket Group (1k members)
- Racket Stories
- Racket News -submit a story using Github Issue: https://github.com/pmatos/racket-news/issues
- post on https://news.ycombinator.com either as an item in its own right or piggybacking on a hot topic
- post on https://lobste.rs (they are keen on lisps so racket fits right in)
- post on other language forums if appropriate Language fora - Google Sheets
- other mailing lists/discourse servers
- dev.to. (apparently 800k members)
- stack-overflow
- anywhere else that makes sense
I tend to stick to Racket news, racket-stories, reddit, discord, twitter